Saturday, January 12, 2008

Chess is a mind गेम

Play Chess - Tips for Winning Chess Strategy

by International Grandmaster Arthur Bisguier
Play Chess - Getting Started

Play chess! Chess is a game of strategy and tactics. Each player commands an army of 16 chessmen - pawns and other pieces (the King, Queen, Bishops, Knights, and Rooks).

A well-played chess game has three stages. In the chess opening, the players bring out their forces in preparation for combat. The middlegame begins as the chess players maneuver for position and carry out attacks and counterattacks. The final stage is the chess endgame when, with fewer pawns and pieces left on the board, it is safer for the Kings to come out and join the final battle.

As chess play proceeds, each chess player will capture some of the opponent's men; often, the capturing pieces are immediately recaptured. As long as the chess piece a player gives up is generally equal to the chess piece he gets in return, we say the players are exchanging. If you unintentionally place a chess piece where it can be captured without getting a chess piece of equal value in return, we say that you put that piece en prise. (This is a French term that literally means "in take.") Sometimes a chess player may place a piece en prise in order to trick an opponent. If the opponent captures the offered man, it may leave him open to attack.



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